I'll be traveling for work this week, but I should be able to complete my workouts as planned in the hotel's fitness center.
Week 9:
Monday: X-Training and Strength
Tuesday: Tempo Run – 45 minutes
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3 miles and Strength
Friday: Off
Saturday: 12 miles
Sunday: 3 miles and Strength
Saturday will be the the longest run of this training cycle before I begin my taper. Depending on how I feel after, there's a chance that I'll run the ¡VAMOS! 5K. I haven't registered yet, but my participation looks very likely.
Since it is the end of the month and training for the half marathon is winding down, I've been thinking about setting a few goals for the month of March. They're fairly simple and a way to make sure that I do more of the things that I like and accomplish a few things that I've been putting off for a while. In addition to owning all of my workouts planned for March and meeting my time goal for the race (which I'm rethinking -- more on this later), my non-running goals for the month are:
- Meditate three times per week: I don't consider myself a new-agey type. However, I committed to meditating once per week in February found that those 30 minutes did wonders for my mental health. I would love to get in that time daily, but three days per week is a great start for now.
- Read four books: Simple enough -- and, I need to balance the time spent reading blogs and news sources online with reading print material.
- Map academic future: Since last summer's GRE push, I've been putting this off and the sense of urgency might be starting to grow a little. I love my job and can't imagine leaving, but graduate work has always been on the radar so I should get on working out the details.
- Try something new: I'm leaving this one open.
- Swim!: Or, learn to do more than tread water.
- Find an opportunity to become more involved in the community.
I'm looking forward to the extra challenge. Now, off to enjoy this weekend's glorious weather!