Let me start this post by saying that I am incredibly proud of my dad.
There’s a lot to be proud of him for, of course, but on Father’s Day, I added finishing his first 5K to my list.
I was reminded that I am my father’s daughter Sunday morning when we cut it very close for our arrival to the starting line and both of us were super stressed out about it. (I, at least, have cut it close multiple times so knew that the only thing you can do is get there and dash across the starting line before the cutoff.)
We made it across the finish line about a minute after the official start in the race and caught up with the pack fairly quickly. Once we were in a good place, I let my dad set the pace and call the shots when it came to taking walk breaks and stopping for water. The course started at a track at one of the local high schools and followed its cross-country trails. It was absolutely beautiful.
On the loop back to the finish, my brothers and mom managed to take a few fantastic photos of my dad in action. I think he was pretty tired at the end, but he pushed himself and we crossed the finish line together.
The race by the numbers:
Gun Time: 32:06
Net Time: 31:08
Average Pace: 10:12
Gun Time: 32:05
Net Time: 31:07
Average Pace: 10:12
Clearly, the next step is getting my dad to train for a marathon. I think he's ready!
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