Sunday, April 8, 2012

One to Go Until the Taper

I had a thought during my short run today that I might need a new challenge to keep running interesting.  With less than a month to go until Providence, I'm finding hard to get as excited for this race as I was when I was getting ready to go to Philadelphia.  I'm not sure what it is, really.  It's going to be a great race, and I'm so excited that I get to see Matt - who's preparing to run a marathon of his own this month (in Boston!!!) - while I'm in town for the race.  I'm probably just anxious about a few things that I have on my plate before the marathon, including a bit of work travel. I'm sure once I have those things done, I'll be able to focus on the race.

But, getting back to setting a new goal:  I've been thinking that 50K might be in my future after I run the Marine Corps Marathon in October.  I've joked about ultramarathoning before (warning my friends that they should stop me if the word ultramarathon came out of my month as something that I should do), but I'm starting to think that a 50K would be the perfect challenge since it's not much farther than a marathon.  Call me crazy, but I think that's where I should head next.

I'm coming up on the last week of intense training before I start to taper. Here's to making it count!

Monday: X-Training/Strength Training
Tuesday: Speed Workout - 60 minutes
Wednesday: 6 miles
Thursday: 3 miles (easy)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 22 miles
Sunday: 5 miles (easy)

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