Wednesday, October 3, 2012

MCM 37: Weekly Round-Up (6)

Twenty-five days to go!

I received my MCM eCard today, which included my bib number and information about the expo.  I can't believe that it's almost here -- which is also to say, where did the last four months go? 

Last Saturday, I had one of the best three-and-a-half hour runs ever.  It may have been the fact that the weather was gorgeous, that I tried a new route, or that I was looking forward to baking this chocolate stout cake.  Whatever it was, I felt great.  I was able to run for 45-minute intervals, stopping only for gels and restroom breaks.  Finishing 19 miles and feeling like I could run more was a huge confidence boost.

This is my last week before the taper period.  Already, I've done a short hill workout, cross-trained, and ran 4 miles.  Left for this week are a speed workout and a 22-miler for Saturday.  Here's hoping that it goes well.

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