Sunday, March 6, 2011

Going for Speed: Weekly Round-Up (9)

On a cold and rainy day, there isn’t anything better than a fast run and spending the rest of the day in cozy mode with tea and 24.

I’m down to the last few weeks of training before the National Half Marathon and will start to taper so that I’m in a good place to run at my intended pace: 8:57 min/mile.  I’ve been going back and forth in my head as to whether or not my goal to finish under two hours is too ambitious, but I'm more confident that I can do this after this weekend's training runs.  (According to the data on my Garmin, I hit an 8:12 pace during one of the splits on Saturday – sweet!)

Week 10:

Monday: Yoga, Cycling, and Strength Training
Tuesday: Speed Workout – 45 minutes
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3 miles and Strength Training
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 8 miles
Sunday: 8K Race

My goals for Sunday’s race are to 1) have fun and 2) run at my half-marathon goal pace.  I'm looking forward to the next few weeks of training.

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